Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tilling The Rows!! Take 2....

Tilling the rows has pretty much turned into manual labor! We were unable to find a tiller that would bust the sod up the way we wanted. So it has come down to a rake!

Crystal raking the rows!
Thankfully, my loving wife is more than willing to partake in this wonderful labor with me. Actually, to be honest, she is doing more of it than I am....

Yeah, I feel bad, I am being a wuss, I raked with her but ended up with blisters on my hand from the inferior rake! Stupid thing was full of slivers and burrs! At least that's my story!!! 

The one advantage we have is that Fiona seems to be pretty good at tilling up the dirt while playing with her bone.

Fiona kicking up dirt with her bone. And yes, I'm wearing purple gloves! Blisters hurt!

The progress is slow right now. Waiting patiently for the equipment to get here to drill holes and start standing up posts. Hopefully if all goes well, it will be this weekend. The trellis cable and hardware should be here by then also! That will make for a pretty cool post or two! 

For now, I guess we will continue to get the soil ready and maybe get rhizomes in the ground this week. If Crystal keeps driving the tractor we should be all set!

She loves the Wee-Baby-Tractor!

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